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The Journey

Elk River, Minnesota, US

My Mom wrote this poem about me and I wanted to share it with you.

The Journey

This journey started with a little boy who just wanted to read. Each day the boy came. He and his team worked hard, very hard. They had fun. Miracles started to happen. Just little ones at first, but they continued to happen. There was no stopping them.

There were times when the boy got frustrated. But, the team came together and helped the boy overcome his frustration with words of encouragement. The confidence started to build. The boy started to change. What the boy and the team didn’t know was friendships started to form. Friendships that can never be broken. Out of these friendships came trust. Trust to try, trust to believe in one’s self, and trust to know if the boy falls someone was there to help him up.

Through this friendship, trust, encouragement, understanding, fun and teaching come healing. Healing of the “heart” in the boy. The little boy can read. Life will be O.K. The little boy will grow up to be a successful man. He has the world at his fingertips all because he and his team took the journey. The journey to learn to read.

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