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Computerised maths for LD

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi, I’m a 4th year student in University and as a Final Year Project I’m “attempting” to develop a computerised mathematically workbook for children with mild learning disabilities. Unfortunately I don’t have first hand experience with LD children. I was hoping someone might be able to help answer a few questions I have. If any of ye use a computer to aid ye in teaching maths, what do ye find good and bad about the current program? What changes would ye make to the program? I would be very grateful for any responses. Thanking ye in advance

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 10/14/2001 - 10:13 PM


Our school has a computer program called CCC (Computer Curriculum Corporation) that is a collection of CD’s that addresses supposedly all areas: beginning reading skills, comprehension, math, spelling, writing, etc. I do like the math portion. It’s basically a workbook on the computer, but it pre-tests the child and places him/her at their level, and then builds from there. It covers a wide range of math topics, both computation and application, in all topics that are possible. It gives the kids know immediately if they got a problem right or wrong without a lot of hoopla. If they get a problem wrong they are given a second chance. If they continue to get it wrong, the computer shows them the right answer. It breaks longer problems down into simpler steps, and at some levels (it’s K-8) gives the kids credit for each of the smaller steps. It takes only 15 minutes for the kids to complete a session, and the computer keeps track of all the paperwork, etc. I would recommend carefully tying the sequence of skills in with your state benchmarks for whatever grade you’re writing it for. I hope this helps.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10/15/2001 - 12:03 AM


Regular ed at my school used CCC last year for reading for the first time, and it’s being offered to my students with varying disabilities this year, should I choose to use it.

Do you think that CCC would be a good use of my students’ resource time (when I’m working with another group)? You sounded favorable about the math portion. How do you feel about the other programs?


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