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I think I might have ADHD.... help?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I’m 18 years old and a first year university student. I’ve been doing alot of thinking lately about why I have so much trouble sitting in one spot for too long, or studying and working, and I think I might have ADHD. All my life, I’ve never been able to concentrate well, as I always dream off. In my family, I’m known as the absentminded one, since I always have my head in the clouds and leave things lying around.
Of course, none of this presents a major problem except in school (or when I lose important belongings!). I find it impossible to sit through all of my classes, even the ones that I really like. I cover all of my lecture notes with doodles, fidget incessantly, and sometimes go so insane that I have to excuse myself to go to the bathroom, just to get out of the room and walk around. Whenever I try to study, I get distracted by the most minute things, and usually give up eventually to go do something active. I’ve read all of the material on effective studying, I’ve experimented with different methods, locales, etc. and I still can’t study.
Is it possible that I have ADHD? I’m definitely inattentive and hyperactive, but I don’t think I’m excessively impulsive. Should I get tested or what have you by a professional? Please help!

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/27/2003 - 2:24 AM


Hello Amy,

I can really feel for you. I am 42, and was only diagnosed recently. From what I have read, and learned recently, and from the symptoms you describe, it definitely sounds like ADHD. I imagine, that your college has a department, than can direct you to school resources, that should be able to help you sort this out. The fact that you are not aware of inattention does not disqualify from an ADD or ADHD diagnosis. If your school doesn’t have diagnostic resources, then definitely contact your family doctor, to see, if he can diagnose or at least refer you to someone, who can.

I have been on a form of ritalin for about two weeks, and the difference that it’s made for my ability to focus during reading, and my ability to scan text or tabular data, is nothing short of amazing. We are still trying to get my dosage dialed in.

I went to college directly out of High School undiagnosed. I took me six years and three universities to complete a four undergraduate degree. I have heard from my doctor, that colleges, make certain adjustments to help an ADD person to deal with their challenges. I have always wanted to pursue an advanced degree, but couldn’t handle the stress, but now that I am being treated for my ADD, I may actually pursue that goal, once my medication is stabilized, and I have dealt with some of the bad habits, that I have developed over the years for coping with ADD.

Get help. Don’t wait. And try to be patient with yourself. Your post indicates, that dispite your add symptoms, you express yourself very well, a sure sign of your intelligence.

I wish you the best of luck,

Joe Traylor

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/27/2003 - 4:41 AM


Thank you so much for your advice! I’m amazed that you were only diagnosed recently, and I admire your hard work in coping with your ADHD. It’s wonderful that ritalin has made such a big difference in only a few weeks!
I think I will make an appointment with our university disability services to get an assessment/testing done. As crazy as it sounds, I kind of hope that I do have ADHD. Before I considered the possibility, I always wondered how everyone managed to deal with the frustration and difficulty concentrating. If I do, then it seems that there will be alot of resources, etc. available to help me. And I’ll know that there are tonnes of people living and dealing with ADHD everywhere, so I can manage it too!
Anyway, thanks again!
Amy :)

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/27/2003 - 12:59 PM


Hi, Amy!

I am from Brasil and I am very interested in ADHD and learning and speech disabilities (I am speech-language therapist an Neuroscientist). I have always studied about ADHD but I never thought I was one! I am 27 years old and I only iscovered it si months ago. It is interesting because it is easier to diagnose other persons and not ourselves. And as I am a very good student and professional, i never thought I had ADHD since then.

The ADHD is a sindrome that you can have an attention inconstancy (and not a really deficit - so there are people that can have ADHD and don’t have learning problems) and/or hiperactivity and/or impulsiveness. The hyperactivity and impulsiveness is more common in males and innattention is very common in women.

The medication is very important and it is also essential to read and try to change some behaviors that we use to have.

Best regards,


Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 04/28/2003 - 12:34 AM


Hi Amy,

I am glad, that you found my e-mail helpful. I can understand, why you would hope that your problem is AD-HD, as there seems to be a lot of help available for it. But I can assure you, that you want to get the correct treatment, so its important, that you go to a well qualified practioner. One of the things, that got me looking at ADD was because, my nephew had been the stereotypical ADHD, and then I read an article written by a psychologist, where he said that he had just recently discovered that he was ADD. Talk to an Psychological Health care professional. They can help you sort, things out. If you have depression, Bi-Polar (aka Manic Depression), Obsessive Compulsive, or Borderline Personality disorder, you may be directed to a Psychiatrist for a diagnosis. Once your diagnosis is confirmed, then you might be referred to a Psychologist, who specializes in ADD counseling, and life skills teaching.

Good Luck


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