I have a program together to improve reading that I like, but I am still struggling with getting y kids to write. They don’t want to write more than 1 or 2 sentences. Is there a program, book…that can help me. I teach upper elementary kids with emotional and learning disorders.
Diana Hanbury King
Have you looked at Diana Hanbury King’s Writing skills series? I have ordered all four books, including the teachers manual and it is excellent. I haven’t tried them yet with my son, but plan too. Her method is clear, straightforward and easily teachable. I’ve looked at lots of stuff, and hers is the first that really made sense. Here is the link to EPS publishing:
Hope this helps.
Try Four Sqare Writing. It is fairly easy and not expensive.
If you are looking for an in depth program and have money to spend, try www.stepuptowriting.com Step Up To Writing