I have a student who has an LD is getting tested for ADD (w/o hyperactivity) and CAPD. Both of these disorders are similar in some aspects but different in others can anyone here explain or help me find a site to explain both these disorders. Students biggest problem is not being able to tune out sounds, focus on one thing at a time. Would this more likely be a CAPD problem or an ADD one. She also figets, is distractible and extremally disorganized.
sounds more like ADD-Inattentive
To me..especially with the distractibility piece to noises. With CAPD the child has more issues with processing sounds and words. CAPD will interfere with their spelling and reading and you will see error patterns of misunderstaning phrases and instructions. But with the ADD you will see more impulsivity and guessing and with the ADD-Inattentive piece of ADD you will see more tuning out and tuning into whatever suits THEIR fancy.
I worked co-jointly with an audiologist about 5 years ago with one student who was diagnosed with Dyslexia, SLI and CAPD. I was able to re-evaluate this student recently for SLI and I don’t think he ever was truly CAPD because when I tested on sections with Auditory processing he did fantastic, however, anything requiring organization or executive functioning he just bombed. H is now getting treatment for ADD.
Re: Can anyone help
Many times one disability can mask or appear to be another. It is essential to address the attention issues first in terms of treatment. I have seen kids who have difficulty processing improve dramatically when they could attend to their lessons and work. You can have co-morbidity of various conditions; however, if you can’t pay attention to the information, you can’t process it, no matter what remediation techniques you try.
Start by going to the top of this page and clicking on the LD In Depth page. There are very many good articles there. People here are always willing to talk, too.