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What % of the Adult population has LD?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

What are the numbers? :?: :?: :?:

Submitted by bgb on Sat, 02/19/2005 - 11:12 PM


Interesting question.

I think you would have better luck finding out what percentage of students have an LD.

One of the problems of finding an adult % is that so many adults were never dx as LD. We iether were not dx’ed at all (simply called stupid, or different by the schools) or were dx’ed wrong.

For example, when I went to school, the classes of spec ed were for deaf, blind or mentally retarded. Since I wasn’t any of those, I was considered “normal.” If I hadn’t backed into my dx by having two LD children, I would not be included in that %.

I hope someone else *does* have a number for you from a reputable source as I’d be interested in it too.

Take care,

Submitted by Jerry on Sun, 06/12/2005 - 9:50 PM


Saying that everyone is LD is just not correct.

Learning is a very complex process. The degree to which someone is considered LD is probably debatable.

I wonder sometimes if most people called LD reached their develpomental milestones at the same times and non LDers.

If we LDers reached our developmental milestones at the normal times why is learning so tuff for us now?

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