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Adapting a computer set-up for ld kids

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I m teaching a group of teachers about computer usuage for ld-kids. Are there some important sites that will help me in the job?

I need to show ways that the teacher may adapt the computer set-up to the ld kid; blind or ADHD or dyslectic child. What would I do to improve computer setup for these kids?


Submitted by KTJ on Wed, 06/01/2005 - 2:22 AM


This is a topic that can’t be covered adequately in a paragraph or two. I teach a graduate course at Simmons College on AT and Learning Disabilities which is forty hour sourse. Feel free to email me privately and we can set up a time to talk on the phone.
My passion is helping students with high-incidence disabilities become independent and successful which is typically achievable using 21st century technology (some of it is readily available and some of it is surprising low cost). It’s all about removing barriers to academic success that are present in most curriculums. A good starting place is the book “Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age” which is available online at What is your background and why are you teaching this?


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