Sorry - I think I posted this in the wrong forum, so this is a repost…
Do you recommend any programs outside or at home to improve visual-motor skills? DS age 8 performed slowly on visual-motor portions of the WISC-IV test. Thank you for any advice!
You can find various approaches and information on the science behind them on my blog here [ ].
The Cheapest program is the Learning Breakthrough Programme (about $400) [ ]. Note that the review is out of date and I should be doing a new one soon.
At the other end of the scale is Dore Achievement Centres [ ]. This costs upto $3000 and involves six weekly check ups.
If you want to take an ad-hoc approach I recommend plus-balls [ ]. These are balls made of paper so they move more like ballons than a normal ball. This makes them a lot easier to hit and catch allowing the child to build confidence and learn the basics of hand / eye coordination. I also recommend Eye-Toy. Its a Sony Playstation game that users a camera to detect movement and comes with games where you have to ‘catch’ things. Its great fun for children and drunk adults.
Myomancy: [ ]
Chris Tregenza
Myomancy - Independent News & Reviews about ADHD, Dyslexia and Autism.
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