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am i college material?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have a full scale iq of about 90 with a discrepancy between the verbal and performance scores. I’ve worked in the real world for about 4 years now and can’t picture myself in my line of employment for the rest of my life. I am blessed with a grandmother who’s been teaching for 50 some years who’s offered to tutor me. I’ve heard of people who’ve scored in the 70’s on iq tests and have managed to gradaute from college some how.

Submitted by Sue on Tue, 02/28/2006 - 9:28 PM


Okay, which side has the discrepancy?

A fair number of the students I work with here at the college would have IQs in that range. (Most of them haven’t had it measured, but I’ve worked with enough people to have to make a reasonable guess. Some of them, I know, *do.*)

Best way to find out is to take *a class* - and really try to get some good advice about finding a teacher that will be a good match and a subject that’s a good match for your interests. Then be prepared to work a whole lot harder than you ever thought you could (though, not knowing you, you might already have things like study habits - but a lot of students here don’t, and have to either learn them or flunk out… having less to do with IQ than with determination *and* the ability to figure out exactly what it is that a class requires, to know the difference between “doing the assignment” and actually *learning* (and when it doesn’t matter), and then doing it).

3 tg

Submitted by A person on Fri, 03/03/2006 - 2:49 PM


I’m average in the verbal domain and deficent in the performance area. I know that really creates a problem with academics, but I’ve already have shown some success in school and I want to finish. I don’t believe my IQ is that low. I’ve been classified as having a severe Ld in reading cmprehension but recently I read two books by Dostoevsky and I know the exact premise, plots and themes of both books.

Submitted by Beth from FL on Fri, 03/03/2006 - 4:13 PM


Can you pass the minimum required math classes? That is where you are likely to see the performance weaknesses show up. You can take them at a junior college which would have more support. I would guess that you should avoid a major that requires that math beyond the minimum and you wouldn’t want to be an English major if you have some comprehension weaknesses. My son has some comprehension weaknesses but doesn’t doom him. He just doesn’t get the A’s–he generally gets B’s. (Now he is in middle school but I think the same principles apply and I teach college).

With these caveats, I would think you could be successful.


Submitted by A person on Fri, 03/03/2006 - 4:32 PM


I already have the english requirments out of the way. Math will be pure hell to get through but I believe I can do it.

Submitted by Beth from FL on Fri, 03/03/2006 - 5:03 PM


Then do it. Don’t let yourself be defined by a number on a test.

Good luck.


Submitted by socialworker on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 8:08 AM


Your IQ scores shouldn’t be the primary factor to determine your readiness for college. It should be your mental and physical abilities to deterine whether you are ready for college or not. If you had to ask that question, then you aren’t ready for college. It sounds like you have some studying to do.

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