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MD recs in Boston area?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My husband is looking for a psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD, preferable one who takes our insurance! We live Northwest of Boston, in the Burlington area. He works in MetroWest.

We are looking for doctors located in either or these areas, or even Boston. Rather than picking names out of a phone book or an insurance directory, does anyone have personal experiences with psychiatrists they could recommend? You could PM me if you don’t want to post it in the forum.

Thanks in advance.

Submitted by adultswithld on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 1:55 AM


It’s 7 years later, and I am assuming you have found a good therapist i the Northwest Boston/Burlington area, or at least I hope you have.

If not, may be suggest a therapist, I know they work in Cambridge,but live in Pepperell MA and they are husband/wife time. William and Kristn Mitchell. Now I only met with Kristen when I lived in Cambridge, and I don’t know if she specialized in ADHD, but I do have a LD and ADD. I am back home in NJ now. I’m hoping you have found the right person by now. Good Luck!

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