My son’s IEP states that test are to be read to him by the teacher. Last year my son brought home several poor grades, test scores and incomplete work. I couldn’t understand how some of these grades were so bad because he studied so hard and knew the answers. When I asked my son about these grades he told me he was too embarrassed to ask the teacher in front of the class to read the test to him so he would try his best to read it himself. And he received zeros on incomplete work from a teacher because he did not turn in work (because he was in resource class and should have been omitted from certain work). I was writing notes continuously to teachers to straighten out these grades and having him redo test.
My question is whose responsibility is it? Is it my son’s to ask the teacher every time a test is given to have it read to him? And what about the zero’s on incomplete work because he was in resource class?
Should the IEP protect my son from this?
I am truly lost! I know teachers can’t keep up with one student’s needs but I do feel that the teachers need to have more awareness of children with learning disabilities. If you have any advise please respond.
Re: A few Suggestions
My son’s iep also states tests be read to him, especially directions for clarification.It also states opportunity to take in resource room and do overs in case he bombs(not exactly written that way). Your resource teacher should be the one to help out, just have to watch the regular teacher for yelling out ‘— it is time to go to ms.— to take your test. Both resource teachers my son has had were wonderful for helping out with other teachers, especially since now my son is in middle school and has lots more teachers to deal with. Good luck with this school year, let us know how things are going, we will help when and if we can.
Hi Ella -
I read your message and thought I might be able to lend you a helping hand. As a special education teacher myself, it is totally my responsibility to let the regular ed. teachers know the accommodations in the IEP; therefore, I would be talking to the resource teacher and make sure she lets the other teacher know that test need to be read to your son.
I can understand how embarrassed your son must feel if the teacher is to read the test to him in front of the class; therefore, I suggest you talk to the resource room teacher and have her read to your son in the resource room. This should eliminate your son’s feelings and help him in the long run.
It is truly ridiculous that your son is responsible for all work that is missed during resource time. I suggest you set up a meeting with the teacher and talk to her about it. As a regular ed. teacher, she will probably tell you that all students are accountable for work missed. If this happens, maybe you could suggest that your son take the work to the resource room during that class time, or suggest that the regular ed. teacher help your son after school to explain how to do the assignments. ( I guarantee you she will more than likely excuse the work if you suggest the latter.)
I hope this helps you and your son!