I am a special education teacher, and I am looking for books on CD-Rom. I want the audio aspect as well as a program that highlights the text on the screen as it is being read. Any ideas? Thanks.
Support to LD Readers via a CD ROM
Take a look at:
This CD ROM program builds an association between symbols and sounds in the English language. It utilizes the close association of visual, auditory and kinesthetic elements to help students improve their language skills.
Included in the program are reading lessons that highlight the words and provides the audio for each word/sentence when selected.
Re: Books on CD-Rom
Check out the Accessible Book Collection at accessiblebookcollection.org. They specialize in high interest low reading level books in html format. They must be downloaded. They are not on CD Roms. They can be used with any internet browswer. Programs such as Cast eReader will provide a high quality audio as well as highlight the text.
I know Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (www.RFBD.org) is just beginning a program in which their books on tape will now be available on CD-Rom. I believe they are starting with textbooks. I saw an article about it in a recent newsletter, but I’m not sure of the start up date. They might be able to tell you who else in the industry is offering such a service. If you find out…do share.