is there any software designed for dyslexic teenagers?
lexia's good
tho’ nothing’s going to substitute for a teacher. The “Strategies for Older Students” is the one to look for.
What is the kid’s reading level? There is also a “word workshop” ( that deals with 3+ syllable words. It’s got a spiral workbook that I have seen that I like (though I anticipate having to make extra practice when I use it). I haven’t seen the software — I’d want their demo first, which has the first five lessons or so. Putting to gether good software is a daunting project. (Lexia’s one of the best I’ve seen. You get what you pay for with this stuff.)
The Lexia demo disk impressed me with its phonics instruction that did not seem too immature for a teenager. There is a part for the older student too. The website is It is designed for Mac and Windows.