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for resource teachers

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

how many days into the school year do you start seeing children? this is my 1st year and i’m trying to find a reasonable timeline to set up my schedule and start seeing kids. i know a lot depends on classroom teachers..other services like speech..
any guidelines?
thanks :)

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 08/23/2001 - 10:31 PM


Hi Aimee ~ I’ve found that it depends on the grade and the student. Many of my LD kids ( I do RR grades 4-6) will stay in their classroom for the first week or so. I want them to get acclimated to their new teacher and his/her expectations before starting with me. Some I leave in longer, especially if they’re participating in the standardized testing CT does the end of Sept. The classroom teachers do much more review and prep. for that than I do, so if they’re going to be taking the test I let them review for it with their class. Some of my more severe kids, MR, very low LD, etc, I’ll pull out the 2nd day. I’m usually still setting up and getting my schedule in order, so they’ll often just do basic stuff that gets them back in the swing of school. Since I keep my kids for 3-4 years, they know me very well, and I don’t do a lot with the returning ones on behavior, expectations, etc., unless I really need to. You may want to spend 1/2 an hour with each grade going over your rules, expectations, letting them explore the classroom, etc. Good Luck!

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 08/24/2001 - 2:18 PM


< any guidelines?>>

As soon as the administration provides you with the Lunch and Specials schedule (art, music, PE), and other mandated whole-group subjects (in our school we have Direct Instruction), then you can begin working on your schedule. Since I see most of my students every day, and the Speech clinician only sees her students a few times a week, she usually works around my schedule. Of course there are always exceptions. But remember, every day that school is in session, you are responsible for seeing your students.


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