When someone has ADHD and also has an anxiety disorder, it is not uncommon for the medication used to treat the ADHD to exacerbate the anxiety disorder.
Your brief description suggests that this high school student has been through a lot. He probably does not feel very secure, safe, or good about himself.
I share your anger that your school system did nothing until he was frustrated and acting out. You need to do two things as a first step. Act now before he does give up.
Your question concerns the rules applying to whether a school can suspend a child multiple times in an amount which cumulatively exceeds the ten school day limit on suspensions occurring without th
Your school professionals appear to have developed an IEP to address your daughter’s needs. If you are not comfortable with this IEP, you have two choices.
Wow. You do have a problem. And, I am afraid that you will not be able to explain to your aunt what her child is doing. Discuss your problems with your parents.