Learn to improve the ability of your student’s to listen and process what they hear. Six auditory skills training techniques are listed that teachers can use during the school day.
Children with dyslexia are often referred to the audiologist to be evaluated for auditory processing disorder (APD). The relationship between dyslexia and APD is can be confusing, and this article helps professionals untangle the symptoms of the different difficulties.
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Children with auditory processing disorder (APD) often do not recognized the subtle differences between sounds in words because a dysfunction makes it difficult for the brain to interpret the information. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders presents basic information on symptoms, diagnosis, and current research of APD.
Does your child have trouble finishing homework within a reasonable amount of time? Is homework a frequent family battle? Learn how to stay sane and help your child succeed.