The Chicago Office of the Office for Civil Rights developed these materials in response to numerous requests from educators, parents and advocates in Wisconsin to clarify the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, in the area of elementary and secondary education.
Reading difficulties likely occur on a continuum, meaning that there is a wide range of students who experience reading difficulties. There are those students who are diagnosed with a learning disability. There is also an even larger group of students who do not have diagnoses but who need targeted reading assistance.
This article addresses the rationale for the transition planning process as it applies to the education of students with learning disabilities, specifically the progression from secondary to postsecondary education.
The National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities developed an overview on screening, diagnosing and serving children age four or younger. The document was developed for researchers, administrators, and people who need an academic overview.
“Cooperative learning” (i.e., jigsaw, learning together, group investigation, student teams-achievement divisions, and teams-games-tournaments) is a generic term that is used to describe an instructional arrangement for teaching academic and collaborative skills to small, heterogeneous groups of students.
Learn the rules from 1997 Amendments to IDEA for students who have behavior problems- including developing functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention plans, particularly as they pertain to discipline.
This article briefly reviews Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and identifies the criteria that are used to determine whether a student is both “disabled” and “qualified.” Then, specific areas of admission, accommodation, and dismissal are examined. Finally, guidelines are presented that may be used by professors and administrators in their efforts to provide qualified students with disabilities with nondiscriminatory access to higher education.
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)
Evaluation is used to identify the children who are eligible for special education and the type of help they need. Find out four steps in the evaluation process, from analyzing known information to developing a program.