A valuable resource educators of children with ADHD. The U.S. Dept. of Education shares and easy-to-read outline of tips and legal considerations. Causes, legal requirements for evaluations, treatment options, and hints for effective educational performance are included.
Susan Lafond is a long-time educator and parent of a child with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). She’s been on both sides of the parent-teacher table and shares her experiences on how teachers, administrators, and support staff can better understand how to support children with learning differences in the classroom.
“Eddie Enough!” author, Debbie Zimmet shares her inspiration for her book about a third grader, Eddie, whose “…first word was a sentence and I haven’t stopped talking since.” This short and insightful interview discusses her book about a boy who can’t sit still. He wonders why others don’t want him as a partner for class projects.
Mark Smith wrote from his experiences parenting a son with ADHD. “When we were reading everything we could find about the disorder, we were disappointed not to find more books from a child’s point of view that showed other children in the same situation, a book to reassure kids that they aren’t the only one this is happening to. That’s why I wrote Pay Attention, Slosh!”
Many people with attention deficit disorder find that conforming to standard behavior in the workplace can be challenging. This article tells the story of Jane. Her story illustrates why conformity can be difficult, ways to identify problem areas, and how to navigate around them.