Study what the research says about options after high school for students with learning disabilities. This article covers outcomes of students who go to college, career and technical education, and to work. The issues of disclosure and obtaining accommodation are covered.
Teachers: How do you convince your principal, fellow teachers, and other school staff to help the student in your class who has a learning disability? Rick Lavoie, world-renowned expert, speaker, and author on teaching children with LD, tells you how to get your voice heard. Learn how to handle common road blocks and become a proactive and successful advocate in the hallways, the teacher’s lounge, and the administrative suite.
Good communication between schools and parents is crucial for children with ADHD. In this article, there are many ideas to facilitate the home-school collaboration and help students succeed.
The classroom teacher is the single most important person affecting your child’s education. The teacher has tremendous influence on your child’s happiness at school and is the person that spends one-on-one time your child on a daily basis. It is extremely important for parents and teachers to work together to provide a good school experience for each child.
High stakes testing has become a controversial issue with a major impact on students with disabilities. This article includes how graduation requirements are set, arguments for and against high stakes testing for students with disabilities, information on modifications for students with disabilities, and options in case the students fail.