One reason that math might have become more of a problem for you as you moved into higher levels of mathematics is that the concepts you were learning about became more abstract.
That can make a big difference, especially with older students. One thing we run into is we often give students way too much technology at first, and that can become overwhelming for them.
We suggest that you ask your child’s teachers, medical doctor/specialists, and the school’s technology specialist for assistive technology suggestions.
The 2004 update of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) requires that Individualized Education Plan (IEP) teams consider the appropriate assistive technology when determining
Specialists such as an occupational therapist, physical therapist, or special education teacher will have access to assistive devices and would most likely have good catalogs or other resources for
Before you make a decision about any single program or method to assist your son with his reading, it may be beneficial for you to explore Target the Problem, an on-line interactive tool that will
Those with print disabilities primarily struggle with reading and writing in a world where much of our information is created and available on electronic devices and the Internet.