What is the best way to engage students with learning disabilities in learning history when the curriculum requires them to think like a historian- analyzing multiple sources and evaluating media such as diary entries, images, songs, and political cartoons. This article tells you how to include them in “Doing History” without watering it down. An extensive resource list is included.
This Info Brief provides an overview of technology-based academic supports and resources to help students with LD succeed in STEM-related K-12 courses to help prepare them for STEM studies in higher education and beyond.
National Center for Technology Innovation, Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd)
What happens after assistive technology is considered in an IEP? The National Assistive Technology Research Institute (NATRI) surveyed educators around the nation to find out. Learn from their “top ten” list of findings on the use and support of AT.
National Center for Technology Innovation, Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd)
Common devices, such as PDAs, cellular phones, and handheld mp3 players can be assistive tools for learners with disabilities. Learn more about these devices and their applications in the classroom and beyond.
In this webinar from the Center on Technology and Disability, you’ll learn about the current research on the use of technology for children birth to 8 years, and the implications of using these tech tools for early learning.
Evaluations are a key step in the process of linking individuals to assistive technology, yet often can be varied. This information brief provides a basic introduction to how AT tool kits aim to standardize the process of AT evaluation and to the four models of assistive technology evaluations.