Dyscalculia, or difficulty learning and applying math, is considered a type of a learning disability. If you have never had studies done to answer your question, you should do so now.
Adults with undiagnosed learning disabilities face a double challenge: maintaining their adult responsibilities and adjusting them to their learning needs. Learn more about their struggles.
Sometimes people are not diagnosed with ADHD until they are adults and the root of their own life-long challenges becomes clearer. From there, the newly diagnosed can take action.
Does your child with social skills difficulties have trouble with their brothers and sisters? Read them this advice which is written just for them! And then read the section for you, the parent. Richard Lavoie gives powerful advice on how all people in the family can get along.
Learn to get your way in disputes without suing or getting in a fight. People with learning disabilities, and their parents and allies can learn to apply the six steps of successful advocacy.
AJE was formed to motivate and educate parents, and those working with parents about the laws that govern special education and related services, and the consequences of institutional negligence and/or inappropriate classification of students with special needs.
It’s never too early to start looking for ways to help your child succeed in learning. This article covers children who are under 2 and who are in preschool. They have rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Find out the first steps to take if you suspect your child has difficulty learning.