There are some excellent resources available today for helping teachers learn to communicate effectively with their Spanish-speaking students and parents.
It requires time, persistence, and creativity. Some parents speak to their child only in their native language, even if their child responds in English.
It helps immensely if your students know how to read in Spanish and have content area knowledge in Spanish. Several skills can easily transfer from one language to the other.
The official diagnostic manual (DSM-IV-TR) lists only one Motor Skills Disorder — “Developmental Coordination Disorder.” The task force planning DSM-V is aware that there will be a need to identify
Many students who are English language learners have difficulty with reading and writing in English, even after they seem to be speaking the language fluently.
Research has shown that being exposed to a second language, even in an immersion setting, does not cause learning disabilities; however, certain factors come into play with English language learner
Because of increased diversity in schools today, teachers can no longer act as independent entities but must collaborate across disciplines to reach all of the students in their classes.