A long line of research in psychology has focused on concepts of risk and resilience. This work studies youngsters who are at risk for a variety of reasons and the factors that seem to enable some at-risk children to do well in the face of adversity.
About half of people with learning disabilities also have other related disorders. Learn about ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, and other difficulties. This article, written by Larry B. Silver, a psychiatrist, tells parents about other related disorders, how they can impact your child, and how you can get a diagnosis.
Information on assessment for adults who may have LD or ADHD, which may underlie the difficulties they face in school, employment, and everyday social relationships.
Good reading comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading instruction at all grade levels and for all children, including those with learning disabilities. However, many scientific investigators of reading agree that further work on measures of reading comprehension is essential.
In this webinar from the Center on Technology and Disability, AT professionals from Fairfax County, VA public schools demonstrate how to develop and conduct AT assessments, and implement activities in early childhood classrooms and at home.