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Legislation & Policy
Encyclopedia of Special Education
Cecil R. Reynolds, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, Kimberly J. Vannest

Encyclopedia of Special Education

  • The only encyclopedia or comprehensive reference devoted to special education
  • Editors-In-Chief and Contributing Editors are leading researchers and scholars in the field
  • New edition includes over 200 more entries than previous edition, with increased attention given to those topics that have grown in importance since the publication of the third edition, such as technology, service delivery policies, international issues, neuropsychology, and Response to Intervention, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis. In addition, the entries will be updated to cover the latest editions of the assessment instruments frequently administered in special education settings
  • Includes an international list of authors and descriptions of special education in 35 countries
  • Includes technology and legal updates to reflect a rapidly changing environment

4 Volumes

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*This is a 4 volume set. Books can be purchased individually or as a set.

Learning Disabilities/ADHD and the Law in Higher Education and Employment
Peter Latham, Patricia H. Latham

Learning Disabilities/ADHD and the Law in Higher Education and Employment

This 2007 book covers key legal topics — Who is a person with a disability under the ADA and Rehabilitation Act? What accommodations are required? What documentation is necessary? How do the ADA and RA apply in higher education and in the workplace? What are the courts deciding? What about state law? How to advocate for your position?

Learning Disabilities, Literacy, and Adult Education
Susan A. Vogel, Stephen Reder

Learning Disabilities, Literacy, and Adult Education

This book focuses on adults with severe learning disabilities (LD) and the educators who work with them. In this volume, experts in the fields of learning disabilities and adult literacy describe the characteristics, demographics, and educational and employment status of adults with LD and discuss the laws that protect them in the workplace and in educational settings. Combining cutting-edge research findings with firsthand instructional expertise, the authors examine the various screening procedures used to identify learning disabilities, present a range of instructional strategies and staff development programs for teaching literacy skills to adults, and showcase exemplary programs that assist adults with LD to find the right job and to be successful.

Negotiating the Special Education Maze
Winifred Anderson, Stephen Chitwood, Deidre Hayden, Cherie Takemoto

Negotiating the Special Education Maze

Negotiating the Special Education Maze is one of the best tools available to parents and teachers for developing an effective education program for their child or student. Every step is explained, from eligibility and evaluation to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and beyond. This edition covers changes in disability laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It reviews early intervention services for children from birth to age three, and for those who have young adults with special needs, it also covers transitioning out of school.

Special Education Law
Patricia H. Latham, Peter Latham, Myrna Mandlawitz

Special Education Law

This text presents IDEA, other pertinent federal laws, and federal cases in a clear, well-organized manner in order to help educators understand and apply their knowledge in concrete situations. This practical book emphasizes students’ understanding at a conceptual level rather than mere memorization of the detailed provisions of these laws. Educators are thereby prepared to adjust to future amendments to IDEA and other laws and to apply statutory provisions to specific situations. The four sections of the text address the Constitutional Frameworks of education laws, IDEA, RA and ADA, and other legal issues such as No Child Left Behind, tort liability, and high stakes testing.

Standardized Minds: The High Price of America's Testing Culture and What We Can Do to Change It
Peter Sacks

Standardized Minds: The High Price of America's Testing Culture and What We Can Do to Change It

In the well-researched and compelling Standardized Minds, former journalist and economist Peter Sacks launches an exhaustive attack on the national obsession with testing — and lands a few hits. If you think you’ve heard every argument against standardized tests, think again. Sacks methodically picks away at our feeble attempts to measure the mind, reaching back into the history of testing with unsettling revelations about the creation of the first intelligence test and its many flaws. He deftly illustrates how the belief of inferior cultures motivated the creator of the SAT college entrance exam and takes on all that standardized testing has wrought: ability grouping, gifted programs, state accountability efforts — even the effect on parents whose perceptions of their own children are often shaken by scores on a sheet of paper. Standardized Minds is a persuasive must-read for parents, educators, and lawmakers that challenges our basic assumptions about intelligence and pays homage to the talented minds we may have overlooked in our fervor to rate the human brain.

The Complete Guide to Special Education: Expert Advice on Evaluations, IEPs, and Helping Kids Succeed
Linda Wilmshurst, Alan W. Brue

The Complete Guide to Special Education: Expert Advice on Evaluations, IEPs, and Helping Kids Succeed

The Complete Guide to Special Education, Third Edition, explores the special education process from testing and diagnosis to IEP meetings and advocating for special needs children. The stages of identification, assessment, and intervention are explained step-by-step to help you better understand special needs students’ legal rights and how to become an active, effective member of a child’s educational team. This third edition has been revised throughout and discusses Response to Intervention (RTI); provides updates on new laws and regulations; expands coverage of autism spectrum disorders and bipolar disorder; and includes a revamped Resources section for teachers and parents.

The LD Teacher's IDEA Companion (6-12)
Molly Lyle Brown

The LD Teacher's IDEA Companion (6-12)

The LD Teacher’s IDEA Companion Grades 6-12 is designed to help you translate the impact of IDEA into how you work with the students, their parents, regular educators, and the general curriculum itself. This book provides materials that correspond to the major IEP changes resulting from the reauthorization of IDEA.

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