Hello All. Sorry this posting is a bit long. I’m a college student and I’ve been diagnosed with ADD inattentive within the last year. I have struggled with memory problems most of my life. I have always done OK in school but I have definite issues in and our of the school environment. I have trouble remembering people, events, and things that involve sensory input. I am horrible at geography and pretty bad speller. I have A LOT of trouble with directions and often get lossed when I’m only a few blocks away from my house. I even have difficulty getting to places I’ve been like 20 times. People say I’m the worst driver they have ever met. It takes me a super long time to memorize schedules. It seems to me that when I learn something, or have an experience, I forget it almost overnight. I’ve seen a few phsychiatric docs with little to show except a ADD diagnosis, that I question, based on a doctor Amen survey and TOVA test results. I’ve had westler III IQ testing done and my results were interstesting. My results were above average (128) but I have a 22 point split between verbal(135) and performace IQ(113). The subset scores are listed below. My SAT was pretty decent as well. I think I scored 620 in both verbal and math. Regardless, I have always felt something was different about me, which others have verified… I have been depressed for a while about my condition and also have anxiety issues. Both those things combine to make me pretty shy and akward aroung people, and probubly make my memory worse. I was thinking I should begin a congntive training program to help with my areas of dificulty which I assume are with visualization, visual memory, long-term memory, and attention among others. I was thinking of getting either Audiblox2000 or Brainskills. I don’t know which program is more proven, and since i’m 20 years old I don’t know which program is more age appropriate. I live away from my family and would have to hire a trainer or something to administrate the testing I guess. I would rather try a computer based program so I could do it independently and on my own time, but i haven’t been able to find anything worthwhile. I was hoping that someone might have a suggestion as to a possible underlying and undiagnosed condition or an applicable cognitive training program I might try. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read all this junk… if anyone does…
Fullscale IQ= 128
Verbal IQ= 135
Performance IQ=113
Information 14
Similarities 16
Arithmitic 10
Vocabulary 18
Comprehension 19
Digit Span 14
Picture Completions 11
Codeing 13
Picture Arr. 11
Block Design 13
Matrix 12