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help in my state?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi all, I was diagnosed and medicated as a child for ADHD. When my parents divorced, I was 14, my mother, who was the caretaker, left and I no longer received treatment for my issue, problem, disorder…whatever it is.

Now, Im 35 and have, starting in my high school years, where “connections” could be made, have self medicated. I tried many things to change my current mental state however they turned out to me counter productive.

Anyhow, I am currently needing help! I have started a drug treatment program and am being told by a Psychiatrist that I might need a “drug to help me focus”. NO DUH, however he wants me to take a drug that is used for people with seizure problems.

I dont want to be strung out on illicit substances…..I want REAL help. Does anyone know of anywhere in the state of Georgia that I can get specific help for this disorder?

I dont want to self medicated anymore. Its not good for me and its too expensive as well.

Thank you for your reply in advance,

eddie - [email protected]

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 05/10/2003 - 5:58 AM


Hey, like you i was diagnosed ADHD, i took the RETALIN pills, to help me focus, but then i stoped to take them, i have been without medication about 12 years, now i’m 21 years old, and i’m in college, so like you see, i’ve been great without medications, so my advice is to try not to take pills, but if you must go to another Psychiatrist or Psychologist

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 05/12/2003 - 6:47 AM


I am sure that you would benefit from meditation, specifically from the development of samadhi (concentration of mind). Have you looked into meditation?

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