[b][b][b]This is a mailing list for Self Advocates and other adults and with Developmental, Intellectual, Neurological or Learning Disabilities.
I am a Self Advocate from Connecticut who created this list because even though there are alot of mailing lists for PARENTS of people like us, there are’nt any mailing lists for Self Advocates and other Mentally or Learning disabled people other than mailing lists created by Autistic People.
This list is open to people with Autism,
Asperger’s Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Learning Disabilities, Mental Handicaps, Spina Bifida & People in Special Olympics
This list is NOT OPEN to Parents or Professionals, at least for now, because there are lots of lists for them. THIS LIST IF FOR US!! Please tell any people that you know with disabilites about this list
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SelfAdvocates/ [/b][/b][/b]