I was wondering if anyone could offer me any input…
My boyfriend has just decided to return to school and had a reading disability. He has never been tested to see what it actually is and I don’t think he will, but i was hoping someone might be able to give me adivce on how to help him read the text books quicker and with more comprehension and study well. He takes much longer to read then the average person, and can’t repeat what he has read to you after reading a passage a few minutes prior. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Nicole :D
Try to convince him to read out loud to you. This may be hard for him and he may resist it partly because of embarrassment and partly often due to bad teaching. Tell him a reading teacher said he will understand and remember better if he hears his voice. Also, reading aloud he won’t skip words or let his attention wander. If he mispronounces, help him sound the words out. Slowly! Don’t rush him — worst thing for a reading disability. You can inform yourself about phonics and help him learn to sound out better. The easiest way to do this is to sit at the dining table together. Dont worry too much about speed — slow but steady wins the race. Better read accurately and remember slowly than to rush and remember nothing.