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Ring of fire?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi all,

I haven’t posted in this particular area before - but, my young son has been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD, and comorbid APD and NLD. My husband has some very similar ADHD traits.

Several months ago, while researching for my son, I came across a site with color brain scans of “normal” brains, and brains with other syndromes - perhaps physical damage. I also know I have read about the “ring of fire” in the ADHD brain. My husband had a PET scan done because of a malignant melanoma (scan came back clear) - so now I have a color copy of his full brain scan.

I’ve googled looking for the article - and found one close to it, but it was a SPECT and not a PET. Can anyone out there help my faulty memory? It is sheer curiosity that is making me look for it. My husband is extremely successful in his career, and is a wonderful loving man (who needs a few helpful reminders from me sometimes! :) ) - so he is not looking for a diagnosis or meds - it would be simply interesting to compare the scans and see what come up!



Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 07/26/2002 - 6:01 AM


Daniel Amen is the ADD guru who is known for his brain scans and the various types of ADD and how they are manifest in the brain. I too have problems with ADD and I also have a hearing impairment. Background noises drive me batty, I don’t have Otosclerosis but I do have CAPD. You should get your hearing tested for CAPD and speech discrimination in Background noise. You may want to try out some special earplugs to help filter out the distracting noise for you to rest in peace and quiet. Also you may want to look into Somonas listening therapy to help with your auditory processing.

Meds can help one to attend better and not work so hard at listening. In regards to your organization problems, do you know how to do excel on the computer? I have been a grad assistant for college and we used excel to keep track of everyone’s grades. Also having files for each student to place their homework and papers in so that you don’t lose them in the big black hole in the sky. You may also want to check to see if you can get a parent helper to help with the data entry for the grades and possibly a student who can help you with stuff.

good luck.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 08/28/2002 - 9:07 AM


Since my diagnosis is only three weeks old and prior to that I ignored ADD, I’m new to the literature. My psychiatric nurse practitioner says I have the ring of fire, but her references to that term refer to my temper, not to a brain scan. The other reference I’ve heard to a “ring of fire” refers to the Pacific rim volcanoes! Can anyone provide any links or the title of the work that makes this reference in terms of ADD. I will try to remember to ask at my next follow-up.


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