Someone posted a question yesterday. The person had to go to court. My neurologist is also a lawyer and he is the leading ADHD specialist in my state. He too had ADD. Funny stories he has told me throughout the years.
Anyway here is a link to his homepage and some mention about law and ADD/ADHD.
He speaks monthly at our ADD meetings and I look at him as my mentor who has guided me through these past years. I hope this helps many. I just found this myself and have not had time to read it. Off to do that soon.
Wanted to also add, that someone posted that they disagreed that a nuerologist should treat ADD. Here in RI it is just the opposite, thanks to this man. Very few see a physciatrist.
Re: Someone had a problem with the law?
I am new to this list, and am looking for references re going to law school. Your message indicated a link to you neurologist who was also a lawyer, but I did not see the actual link in the message. Could you repeat the link or give me other info on this person?
My Doc. is in NH. (a psychiatrist) First I went to my primary care Doc. because he said he could evaluate me. His diagnosis was either I was Bi-polar or had ADHD! I even knew that I wasn’t (bi-polar). So he gave me lexapro and sent me on my way. A friend told me my best bet would be to see a Pyschiatrist that could properly diagnose me based on my childhood and my family history. So I guess around here that’s the way to go. There aren’t too many Neurologists around here! Glad I have a permanent secretary now instead of a temporary one! Glad you liked that explanation.
Take care,