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tests don't take it far enough

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

As my testing continues with auditory processing, speech/language and some of my cognitive tests completed, one single thing is becoming clearer than anything. The testers interpret the results on their own scale and in their own language, and taking it from their interpretation to me making a plan of action is like turning apples into oranges. They don’t provide recommendations in a language that I or someone trained as a career counselor can interpret in a useful way.

I was planning on going to a career counselor once all the tests were finished, but my feeling now is….no way. They don’t have any training with this kind of interpretation. That’s one big huge missing link!!

As far as I know no one does this kind of work, not officially anyway. The only reason I’m putting myself through all this is to finally get some useful information about my strengths and weakness. I believe these test results are the key to my future success, but they are almost useless if it all stops here.

Wow, this continues to be an uphill climb like it has been all my life, even now that I’m finally on the right track. Any ideas out there?

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/07/2003 - 6:26 AM


Yeah, it’s like going to a mechanic to get your car fixed and he tells you what it might be that’s wrong but is unable to fix it yet you still have to pay him.

What is needed is standardized testing the correspond with a breakdown of tasks that the brain has to do at certain jobs. What we have now is hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo.

I am at a loss as to how to proceed. I wish there was a Ralph Nader for shrinks. I really feel like it’s a bit of a scam.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/07/2003 - 2:44 PM


There are so many aspects of a career that nobody tells you about — the culture of that career, the kinds of social settings that the jobs are in, side routes to differetn niches, etc.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/07/2003 - 6:38 PM


Audrey, I have been reading your posts and others, and was hoping what you learned could help me, without me having to go through testing—an anxiety trip I’m sure, if nothing else. I see I’ve romanticized or fantasized that testing would provide a world of new possibilites. Haven’t picked up on whether or not you’re dealing with ADD as well. Are you? I am.

My choices for a job are very limited as I see it. My daughter does well as a police dispatcher, but then she also works that full-time while going to college full time. I couldn’t begin to cope successfully with both at the same time. I think some might see in me, a defeatist attitude, but what I see, is an ongoing reality check on my part. I am so naive when it comes to thinking about things, and considering all the possibilities and ramifications. I seldom do though, and maybe that helps me to keep going in a way.

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