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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Parents please, please, please, be sure your childs
IEP will meet his needs when he/she goes back to
school. Different teachers, schedules, administrators
means very different approaches. Be sure ALL, and I MEAN ALL, of your childs teachers have read through the IEP, especially the
accomodations and modifications. I guarantee you this may not always happen!!

The beginning of a school year for many teachers can
be extremely chaotic and unorganized. Help the
teachers with a phone call, quick note or an email,
letting them know what works with your child. Your are
your childs “master” teacher. You DO know what works
and what does not work!
DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE 6 WEEKS INTO THE SCHOOL YEAR!! Call and talk to the teachers, principal,etc. NOW!

After a while if you feel some changes need to be made
call an IEP team meeting!
Believe me, I speak from experience. As a teacher I
really welcomed those parents that shared information
with me, that I never had or knew. Do not assume the
teacher has this info!

I have an online tutoring service and if you ever need
my help for your child just email me.I often coordinate work with the schools. This service really can provide additional reinforcement, and strengthening of skills that our kids need.

I also offer consultant work with parents regarding the appropriate
writing of IEP’s for initial/re-evaluation and annual IEP meetings.
Don’t just settle for the IEP, demand as much as you can get, which
means you need to attend every IEP meeting prepared!!

Good luck! You can make a difference!

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/19/2001 - 7:36 PM


Yes Jen, Pleasetutorme is a subscription fee service. Please go to The website explains all.
I encourage you to email me at [email protected] with any questions, comments etc. that you may have. I would be very happy to answer all of them and talk specifically about how we can help your needs and your child. I also encourage parents to send their telephone number and best time for me to call and talk with you.

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