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13 Yr Old LD Son Assaulted in School.

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi. My son was targeted and hurt by a group of kids, knocked unconscience and sent to the hospital in an ambualance with a concussion. The school and police are doing NOTHING to the kids that did it, I have tried. He has an IEP, and was hospitalized 5 months ago for depression and suicide. He does not want to return to school, and I don’t know where to turn. I live in Southern Wisconsin, and I am trying to locate some type of advocacy program. Any help is greatly appreciated. This has really torn me up

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10/01/2001 - 8:00 PM


My condolences to your son and you. Assault resulting in injury is a crime so some action should be taken. Legally, have you asked about pressing charges against the boys? You can also request(in a formal letter) a meeting with the principal (cc to the superintendant) to discuss the assault. Describe briefly what happened and ask them what school policy on violence requires the principal to do in such a situation. Perhaps you should have an advocate or lawyer to accompany you to the meeting. If the school ignores you, there is someone at your State’s department of education that you can go to next. If the cost of a lawyer is a concern, there may be a legal aid society that can help you with low-cost legal advice. Also since you noted that your son was previously hospitalized for depression, perhaps the treating child psychiatrist or psychiatric social worker, can help put you in touch with a juvenile justice advocate or lawyer and appropriate post-trauma counseling for your son. Best wishes.

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