Hello, im a “newbie” here and found this site while i was googleing to find information on what im about to ask.
im in a college course at school to become an EA and our teacher and others i know encourage the students in the class to participate in childrens disability meetings around our city (at the library, or churches etc.) where they are located.
My question is this: I have looked everywhere for the “meetings” and can’t find any???
How do i find out? WHere are they?
I looked in the newspaper and i have a small stack of papers and the only one i could find was a meeting not 100% relevant to what i had hoped to find and it was even $10.00!!!!!!!
Any info you could email me too please.
Thanks so much!
Re: Childrens Meetings
Hi there. Where in Ontario? I’m near the Quebec-Ontario border.
Newspapers are the old media. These days, most meetings are advertised on the internet or cable acces TV.
Go on the internet and type dyslesiaCanada or learning disabilities Canada or similar combinations into your search bar. Sooner or later you will come up with the names of organizations, and then you can go to the websites and look for meetings.
Also you can turn on your cable TV station late at night, the one that advertises meetings for panic disorder sufferers and Bingos and all that, and often meetings for parents are in there too.
When I sign off this site, I’ll go to my web favourites and see what links I can find and will add a post later if anything comes up.
Good luck.
Re: Childrens Meetings
Here’s a list of some links that I found from the Quebec learning disabilities association — national, interntional, Ontario, and Quebec links. If you’re in Cornwall or Hamilton area, you might also look into New York links.
Most of these sites have an info email and hopefully you can find someone who can direct you to meetings.
A second thought: when you do go to the meeting, please spend some time lurking, ie sitting back quietly and *listening* to what people have to say. These are parents with many years’ full-time experience with the disability, and they know an awful lot more than you do. When you jump in with your bright idea, almost always they have heard it before and either use it daily so it isn’t a question, or tried it and rejected it because it doesn’t work in real life. Remember you are there to learn.
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC)
Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario
Access to College for All - Computer and Information Technologies for Students with Disabilities
Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults, Quebec (ADDAQ)
Autism Today
Bureau du Protecteur du citoyen / Assemblée nationale Québec
Canada’s Learning Disabilities Resource Community (LDRC)
Canadian Health Network
Canadian Health Network - Online Halth Resources for People with Disabilities
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Paediatric Society
Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and the Environment (CPCHE)
The Centre for Literacy of Quebec
Child & Family Canada
École Giant Steps
Fédération des comités de parents du Québec
Garnier kids
Government of Canada: Persons with Disabilities online
The Hallowell Center - Dr. Hallowell
The Human Side of Dyslexia
The International Dyslexia Association
Jewish Special Needs Network
Kids Help Phone
[email protected] - 1-800-668-6868
The Learning Disabilities Association of America
Learning Disabilities Summit
Millennium Scholarships
National Adult Literacy Database (NALD)
National Center for Learning Disabilities
National Centre for the study of Adult Learning and Literacy
National Children’s Alliance
National Educational Association of Disabled Students
Portrait of life with ADHD
Postsecondary student awards
Quebec Home & School News
published by the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations
3285 Cavendish Blvd., Suite 560
Montreal, H4B 2L9
Telephone: (514) 481-5619 or 1-888-808-5619;
Fax: (514) 481-5610;
e-mail: [email protected]
Statistics Canada
Re: Childrens Meetings
thank you all so much ! You’re all wonderful and very helpful.
Unfortunately i don’t have time right at this moment to try your advice because i have to get a paper written for school tomorrow on integration in the school system, but i will in a couple hours when im done. thanks again!
Welcome, sonshine.
Love the user name! That’s my nickname for my younger son.
This forum doesn’t get must traffic. I hope you posted this question in others as well, such as the teacher’s one or the parents’ one?
If you were in the states I’d recommend these things. I’m not sure how they fit in the Candian system but its worth a try.
1) Ask your teachers which group(s) they recommend. You don’t even have to mention that you couldn’t find any. Just pharse it like there are so many options you’d like guideance in finding the best one.
2) Contract your local school district. As if they have a Special Education Parent/ Teacher Association or newsletter. Most of the ones here do. They can be a wealth of local info.
3) Contract a special education teacher in the schools at the level you are interested in. Ask them about organizations.
4) In the states, we have PTIs which are federally funded organazations set up to aid parents understand federal special education law. They often run such groups.
Good luck to you!