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College students withdyslexia needed for study. Earn $50

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Are you a college stuent with dyslexia? Would you like to earn $50. Then you are needed as soon as possible.

I am looking for college students age 18-39 with official diagnosis of dyslexiafor my dissertation study. My disseration involves the development of a new test that could be useful in early diagnosis of dyslexia as well as increase our understanding of this learning disorder.

1. you will be given a variety of taks
2. the assessment is on a one to one basis
2. it will take about 90 to 120 minutes
3. preferred testing location: Rosemead School of Psychology, La Mirada (Los Angeles) CA; but willing to set up arrangements

To find out if you qualify, contact Catharina, graduate student at Rosmead School Psychology at [email protected]

All information obtained remains strictly confidential.

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