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Dyslexia and Christian schools

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am the mother of a dyslexic son in Christian school. I’m a full time mom, sometimes free lance writer,working on an article about dyslexia for Christian Home and School magazine. I need to include quotes from parents in other parts of the US and Canada who have found that Christian school is a good place for their dyslexic child. If you would be willing to be quoted for this article, please contact me at [email protected]. Thanks!

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 08/19/2001 - 12:53 AM


My son is learning disable and was in a private christain school for 2 years. I did not have any resourse to help my child because the school was geared for the normal and above average. They did not have the personel to test and teach my child. I am not saying that the school experiance was bad it broke my heart and my sons heart when he had to leave to go to the public school. My LD child with an I.Q. of 69 at the best struggled in the 2nd grade last year at the private sch. This year he is in the 3rd at a public sch (ld class) . They will be learning cursive this year ( my sons has been writing cursive since first grade) They will be learning to add and subtract in the 3 to 4 didgits. My son did that last year also. They will be learning multiplication, time and money.
My son feel confident this year because he is not rushed and pressured to learn it now. He felt frustated and discurage last year. He loved the school and the people and was proud that he went to a school that tought Gods love. He always got an “A” in Bible. It did not help his self esteem to hear his class read and know he could not read well at all.

Thank you,

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 08/20/2001 - 5:33 PM


Thank you for taking the time to reply. I am so very sorry that your Chrisitan school experience was not good but I’m glad he is getting the help he needs now.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 08/21/2001 - 4:40 AM


Sorry, but my experience was somewhat the same. My son did not get any help though when he finished 1st grade he could not read. I did not like the public schools there so we moved nd the oublic school has been so much better. My daughter who is in the gifted program now did very well in Catholic school and would probably have continued to do so. I attended catholic school all the way through and including high school and I would say it is not a good choice for any child who needs any remediation, forget an LD.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 08/21/2001 - 3:37 PM


Thanks for taking time and writing. Wow, I guess we should be really grateful that we are having such a good experience at our Christian school. I’m sorry your son didn’t get the help he needed.

I am still hoping to hear from parents who have had a positive experience!

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/04/2001 - 1:44 AM


I recently opened my business DYSLEXIAWORLD, I guess the title speaks for itself. I travel thoughout the Rio Grande Valley but I’m located in Austin Texas. For further information please contact me at 512- 507-3732 [email protected]

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