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emotional effects on memory of L.D. children

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Does anyone know of any recent studies/information regarding the effect of anxiety, stress, fear of failure on the ability of learning disabled children to remember visual or verbal stimuli ? Do relaxation exercises help ?

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/19/2001 - 1:50 AM


Anxiety, stress and fear impact in a negative way on the ability of all people to learn, remember, or accomplish . A thousand studies show that although that line of inquiry was largely done in the 1960s. Look under a psychologist’s name - Erik Erikson - who was a big name in the research done on positive feelings and learning.

It stands to reason that when anxiety, stress or fear are acting upon us, relaxation exercises certainly couldn’t hurt.

I like a book by Dr. Mel Levine called Educational Care. Look it in and see what it says about anxiety and learning.

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