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eye-hand coordination, visual perception?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have problems telling the difference between other people’s right and left sides. Does anybody have any suggestions about things I can do to help with this problem. Thanks for your time and effort.

Veronica Thompson

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/10/2001 - 1:59 PM


I m not sure if this will help, but when someone is facing me, I taught myself to remember that their right is my left and vice-versa. I sometimes have problems when looking in the mirror - putting on earrings. I can’t move my hands to go in the right direction that I want them to because my image is reversed in the mirror. I think it takes alot of practice to do effortlessly.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/10/2001 - 4:32 PM


I disseminate learning disabilities training products e.g CD-ROM, DISKETTE, HARD COPY, MICROFICHE, DATAFILES etc I also have research reports and conference proceedings on learning disabilities… May be I can help you! Please let me know?Veronica Thompson wrote:
> I have problems telling the difference between other people’s
> right and left sides. Does anybody have any suggestions
> about things I can do to help with this problem. Thanks for
> your time and effort.
> Veronica Thompson

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