Our church is running a free Riggs Institute (Writing Road to Reading) camp for children aged 7-12 this summer. Details are available at the website at www.gracefwi.com The camp is 3 hours daily 2pm to 5pm, 5 days a week, 5 weeks long. If the link has not been updated yet, the camp is now free, but will be restricted to only 20 students, (half the places are currently filled).
Please also check out the links which are designed to assist parents to screen their children for the various types of learning disorders at home, and to both remediate these and to teach reading at home as much as possible.
This looks like a fabulous program. I wish you well and am very glad to see that you and Shirin are still active in the LD area. How is Karen doing? I remember meeting Shirin and Karen about 3 years ago at the LD Online picnic in Wheaton.