Just recently I cane up with this idea for a career guide for people entering or thinking about entering the work force who have disabilities. As we all know it can be a tough competative world for people with any type of disability. There is so much descrimination still in the work force against people with disabilities even with the ADA, not to mention ignorance and misconceptions concerning people with disabilities. Of course even in the twenty first century some people still harbor misconceptions about learning disabilities confusing it with mental retardation or emotional disturbance. I have written to the Author of the career guide’ Zen and the art of making a living”, Laurence G. Boldt about writing or collaborating with me on such a book and hope he takes the opportunity up. while his career guide is great and very applicable to people with disabilities , there are issues and experiences that are very unique to the person with a learning disability or a disability of any kind. What I would like from people who come to this site and read these boards are ideas about what should be addressed in such a book, what is most important to you as a person with a learning or other disability and what you need to hear or read. Also if there are examples of such a book(s) on the market pleaase let me know the name of the book and what appeals about them to you. Any ideas and suggestions for a career guide for the disabled and sepecially learning disabilities will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much