I am interested in talking with other parents about children/young people who have been labeled as LD and gifted. or just ld. I am new to discussion, so if this is an old topic, please show me where to find earlier responses. My daughter, 12, rising 8th grader has had IEP since age 8.
Current IEP label: specific disability in written expression and gifted.
My question: this label was based in large part on 1. very scattered IQ scores; 2. 50 point split between performance and verbal on old WISC; and 3. discrepancy between verbal IQ (150) and achievement in written expression.
My Question:
• With no more WISC III to show split; and with new IDEA July 1, 05 ruling about discrepancy between not recognizing descrepancies between IQ (part or whole) and Achievement, how do we proceed to keep a much needed IEP in place and amend it to include increasing problems with organization. Written expression problems are minimal as long as the accommodations are in place. How do we keep these accommodations in place? School seems to want to eliminate this IEP that has worked so very well.
Thanks for any help.