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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am a retired teacher who developed these books for students in my school district. These unique books have a picture (rebus) above each word to help your child know what the word says. We have used sign language for many of the rebus pictures. Make the signs as you read the book and soon your child will be signing with you. While signing and picture reading your child is learning to read words. At the back of the book are picture/word cards of the key word from each page. Using Velcro hooks your child can find and place the picture/word cards on the pages. Your child will love pulling off and replacing the cards every time you read the books. The picture/word cards can be cut apart between the picture and the word to be used as a matching game or to be matched separately. Thse books are ideal for 2, 3, 4,& 5, year old children and for children who are having problems remembering words. Check out our web site: INTERACTIVE BOOKS, 918-337-0763

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