We are looking for schools for our child with learning disabilities (processing problems) in the Springfield / Brattleboro area. Any recommendations? Thanks. Ria
Re: Looking for LD schools in Vermont
: We are looking for schools for our child with learning disabilities
: (processing problems) in the Springfield / Brattleboro area. Any
: recommendations? Thanks. Ria Greenwood School in Putney Vermont might be worth looking into. I don’t know much about it personally, but it does have a good reputation. Also, in Mass. is Landmark School…excellent for LD students.
Re: Looking for LD schools in Vermont
Dear Ria,The Greenwood School is right up the road in Putney, VT. It’s one of the best! I think the number is 802 387 4545.. I was a faculty member ther for 3 yrs.. A wonderful place.Fran Lunney
Re: Looking for LD schools in Vermont
: We are looking for schools for our child with learning disabilities
: (processing problems) in the Springfield / Brattleboro area. Any
: recommendations? Thanks. Ria
: We are looking for schools for our child with learning disabilities
: (processing problems) in the Springfield / Brattleboro area. Any
: recommendations? Thanks. RiaDid you check Peterson’s? Any bookstore or library would have a copy of Peterson’s Guide to the Independent Schools.Good luck.