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New Medialexie software specifically for dys-differences

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to let you all know that there’s a new software out called the ‘Medialexie Toolbar’.

You can check it out at
It’s specifically designed for dys-different users from middle school age upwards, and has a ton of cool tools like:

- A text editor, with a simplified and easy to use interface

- the world’s only dysorthograghia transcriber, the Ecriver…write anyhow you like, and as long as the sentence sounds correct when the computer reads your text back to you, and the Ecriver will transcribe your text into correct writing.

- A mind mapping tool specifically for dys-differences

- A text reader; have any text read to you by the computer

- A dictation tool, based on a vastly improved Dragon NaturallySpeaking Pro motor

- An agenda designed for those with low spacial and temporal orientation

- A zoom tool

- A reading screen that allows you to hide everything but the words or sentences you want to read

- Text digitizing, to be able to transfer any paper document onto your computer for reading, editing emailing, etc

- Many other really useful tools, all of which were designed and developed in consultation with dys-different students, their families, and their educational and health professional support networks.

If you like Kurzweil, you will LOVE the Medialexie Toolbar!!!

Have a look at the site and let me know what you think!

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