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Not on the sidelines anymore....

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

How does one go from being just an observer to someone doing something to make a difference? I am guessing the support of family, clergy, counselors, etc, might be part of it, but can someone be helpful vs. just a total misfit hanging in there with their challenges until they drop away into the blue? I want to be out there, speaking about what the world needs to do to be more adaptable for those who may not fit the nicely carved slots of life. I want to show that there is a great deal of research they do not need to dig so deep for, in our hearts, our voices, our very existance that says we are total people too. I never get to proove I am a good decent person with a powerful reason to be on this earth. I want to be fighting for the cause at hand, but not sure how to be good at anything, much less at presenting challenges as a valued garden of how people really serve a purpose. I think I am here for a purpose, and if my challenges are that purpose I cannot stand around feeling bad about it anymore, I have to find a way to make it work for me rather than against me. I have to find a way to not let so called, normal folks, although they most likely have good intent, be the spokes in the wheel. We are! We need to stand up and be so much out there! We need to find a way to be the researchers, the speakers, the advocates, the social workers, the lawyers, etc. It is time to do the work for ourselves now I think. How, that is not something I have quite mastered as yet. I know many of us have already met that challenge and are in these roles. This is not intended to offend, just my voice screaming out for an identity.

Submitted by shezadare on Sat, 07/17/2004 - 2:35 PM


I am singing that song in my head. Guess I’m thinking that my message, particularly the pole might be regarded as silly, not related to the LD stuff, not valuable reading, etc. So I am singing silently ” I’m a nut, my life is da da da crazy, I’m a nut. ” Geez, don’t even know the words! Well, personally I had a problem with the officer who killed the famous guys Tiger. It seemed so logical to me to be out there equipted with a stun gun, so why use a weapon to kill a helpless creature. I was so upset about that. I feel it relates to how people jump so quickly into judgement of anything or anyone unlike themselves. They act without regard to the circumstances merely as a convenience. Perhaps I too have done so in my life and we might all have. But sometimes it turns a life right around. It can change happiness to pain and opportunity to lost dreams. It is so easy for another to disregard someones needs based on misjudgement or some need to overpower. Right? ‘The poll is much deeper than being just about a tiger. It is my sadness that a tiger ran for his life and freedom not realizing that there is no freedom for a tiger in that limited space. It is about how we are all so limited by our circumstances yet is there not some way to create more room for everyone?

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