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NYC Dyslexia Interview Study - Participant Needed

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Language researchers at the City University of New York (CUNY) are interested in [b]interviewing adults with dyslexia[/b]. We want to know about YOUR experiences: how you feel about your diagnosis, your experiences at school/work, and the sorts of accommodations you may have received.


—Officially diagnosed with dyslexia (does not matter when you were diagnosed)

—If you have dyslexia as well as other learning issues (ADD/ADHD, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, SLI, etc.) you are also eligible to join

—At least 18 years of age

—Learned English before age 5

—According to your free times (mornings, evenings, weekdays, weekends, etc.)


—The study will be conducted at Brooklyn College; if you are a CUNY student, you may also have the option to be interviewed at the CUNY campus where you are a registered student



Please email [b][email protected][/b]m or call [b]347-446-7838[/b] if you are interested or would like more information

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