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Online Disability Services

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Online Disability Services offers comprehensive disability support services such as:

-Documentation review

-Disability Management Counseling

-Accommodation Approval Plans

-Educational support for students

-In-service training for faculty

Online Disability Services offers:


-Career counseling


For more information about the following services, email: [email protected]

-how to provide accessibility and opportunity,

-how to provide access to information,

-how to reach personal success through access,

-how to become an independent successful student,

-how to provide opportunity for meaningful participation, and

-how to evaluate fairly on the basis of achievement rather than disability.

Dr. Susan, educational consultant, has worked in the area of education for over 20 years as an elementary school teacher, an educational diagnostician, a college instructor, and a disability services provider at the high school and university levels. Her
dedication to persons with disabilities is founded in a belief that all persons are called to a vocation and all have the right to seek an education. Equity is obtained through access in education.

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