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Reading Conference - Ann Arbor, Michigan

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

The Michigan Branch of the International Dyslexia Association

We would like to invite you to our annual fall conference:

Advocacy and Multi-Sensory Instruction for the Dyslexic Student[/b]

September 29, 2007
Kensington Court, Ann Arbor, MI

[b]Barbara Wilson, Wilson Reading System[/b]
RTI and the research based underpinnings of Fundations® and the Wilson Reading System®

[b]Emerson Dickman Esq., President, IDA[/b]
Promoting Partnerships and Improving Outcomes for Children by Avoiding Conflict.

[b]Afternoon Panel Discussions:[/b]
Education Resources Speaker panel including:
Emerson Dickman Esq., President IDA
Pat Frazier, Flint Public Schools
Larry Simpson, Ann Arbor Public Schools

Community Resources Speaker panel including:
Emerson Dickman, Esq., President IDA
Michael Ryan, PhD., President IDA - Michigan Branch
Sandy Roethler, ASK
Sharon Zinna, Urban Health of West Michigan

Scholarships available [url][/url]

Register for SB-CEU’s at the conference!

For more information or to register, visit our website [url][/url] (online registration with paypal is available)

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

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