Are you an adult with dyslexia/learning disability or suspect that you have dyslexia? Do you want to help others understand how dyslexia affects a person’s life, not just reading? If so and if you are 24 years of age or older, please get involved in a study hosted by the East Carolina University School of Social Work.
The study concerns how dyslexia impacts not just academics but the emotional, behavioral, and social lives of adults who are dyslexic.
You won’t have to go anywhere to participate in the study. We will send you the information strait to your address and you will complete the activity at home.
For more information about the study, please contact Dr. Blace Nalavany at
252-737-2053 (e-mail [email protected]) or Dr. Lena Carawan at
252-328-4381 (e-mail [email protected]).